Цвет сайта
Расстояние между буквами



By Resolution of the Bureau

of the Senate of the Parliament

of the Republic of Kazakhstan

No. 404 dated April 09, 2020


on the Agribusiness, Light and Chemical Industry Development Council

under the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan

These Regulations determine the status, powers and organization of activities of the Agribusiness, Light and Chemical Industry Development Council under the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

1. General provisions

1. The Agribusiness, Light and Chemical Industry Development Council (hereinafter - the Council) is an advisory body under the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan and is formed to develop proposals for the improvement of legislation in the field of Agribusiness, Light and Chemical Industry.

2. The legal basis for the activity of the Council comprises the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Status of its Deputies”, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and these Regulations.

3. The Council’s decisions serve as recommendations.

2. Tasks and Functions of the Council

4. The main task of the Council is the elaboration of recommendations on the development of agribusiness, light and chemical industry.  

5. The functions of the Council are as follows: 

1) consideration and elaboration of proposals to improve legislation in the field of agribusiness, light and chemical industry;

2) drawing up recommendations on the formation of the agricultural and industrial policy of the State, strategic plans, government and other programs and projects in the regulated areas;

3) elaboration of proposals to enhance the efficiency of agribusiness, light and chemical industries;

4) implementation of other tasks entrusted to the Agribusiness, Light and Chemical Industry Development Council within its competence.

3. Council Composition

6. The Council is composed of deputies of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, other officials of government agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, public associations, agricultural producers, commodity producers in the light and chemical industry.

7. The Council Chairman is the President of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Vice-Chairmen and Secretary of the Council are elected from among the Council members.

8. The Council Chairman shall:

1) provide overall direction of the Council’s activity;

2) make proposals on the composition of the Council;

3) make proposals on the candidatures of the Vice-Chairmen and the Secretary of the Council;

4) determine the date, place and time of the Council meetings;

5) take the chair at the Council meetings;

6) Charge the Vice-Chairmen, Secretary and members of the Council with   tasks;

7) resolve other issues related to the organization of the Council’s activities.

9. The Council is entitled, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and within the limits of its competence, to involve representatives of government agencies, organizations and citizens in the discussion of issues related to the improvement of legislation in the field of agribusiness, light and chemical industry.

4. Organization of the Council’s Activities

10. The Council meetings are held as necessary and at least once a year, within a period to be determined by the Council Chairman.

11. The work of the Council is implemented through its Working Groups:

1) The Working Group on Agribusiness Development. The person in charge is the Chairman of the Committee on Agrarian Issues, Nature Management and Rural Development of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) The Working Group on Light and Chemical Industry Development. The person in charge is the Chairman of the Committee on Economic Policy, Innovation Development and Entrepreneurship of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

12. The Council work is carried out on the basis of the annual plan approved at its meetings.

13. Meetings of the Council (Working Group) are valid provided there are two thirds of its members. No delegation of powers by members of the Council (Working Group) to other officials is allowed.

14. Decisions of the Council (Working Group) are adopted via open voting by a simple majority of votes of the total number of the Council (Working Group) members present at the meeting or by written poll of the Council (Working Group) members. In case of a tie, the vote of the Chairman is the decisive one.

15. Decisions of the Council (Working Group) are formalized by the Minutes signed by the Council Chairman or his/her substitute. 

16. In the absence of the Council Chairman, his/her functions (on his/her behalf) shall be performed by one of the Vice-Chairmen of the Council.

17. Members of the Council (Working Group) are entitled to:

1) take part in all the activities carried out by the Council (Working Group);

2) make proposals on the action plan of the Council and agenda of its meetings, as well as on issues discussed within the Council’s competence;

3) contribute to the preparation of draft decisions and materials to meetings of the Council (Working Group) and other events arranged by the Council;

4) get acquainted with the material relating to the work of the Council.

18. The Secretary of the Council jointly with the Secretary of the Working Group shall:

1) ensure the development of a draft action plan for the Council;

2) produce the draft agenda for its meetings;

3) arrange for the preparation of materials for the Council meetings, as well as draft protocol resolutions;

4) notify the Council members of the place, time and agenda of the regular meeting of the Council, and promptly provide them with the necessary materials;

5) certify abstracts from the minutes of the Council meetings with his/her signature;

6) fulfill other assignments of the Council Chairman.

5. Maintenance of the Council’s Activities

19. The working body of the Council is the Office of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan.