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Tuleuova Bakytgul Amangaliyevna

Tuleuova Bakytgul Amangaliyevna
Head of the Department for Interaction with the Committee on Finance and Budget

B. Tuleuova was born in 1964. She obtained higher education at Karaganda Cooperative Institute, Adilet Higher School of Law, majoring in merchandising organization and law.

She began her career in the Kazpotrebsoyuz system, then worked as a research fellow at the Kazakh branch of the All-Union Research Institute on analyzing consumer’s demand for consumer goods and trade conduct, economist of the first category of the State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan, chief inspector of the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Director of the Department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan, consultant of the Department for Relations with Committees, consultant to the Secretariat of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defense and Security and the Secretariat of the Committee on Economics, Finance and Budget, chief consultant, Deputy Director of the Department for Interaction with the Committee on Finance and Budget of the Senate Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

She was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Certificate of Honor of the IPA CIS Council, five anniversary medals and the badge “Uzdik memklettik kyzmetshі”.